Thursday, March 4, 2010

So embarrassed!!!! XO

Last Wednesday morning, my class had an English morning performance in front of the assembly 
so we had to gather at the corridor of our school. After the bell rang, the only some of my classmates
were there and the other were missing. My friend,Syira asked the teacher to announce that my class need to
come up and be with us but then he forgot....Stupid...After a while,when we thought he already forgot it,my other friend, Umi told the teacher the second time..

My other classmates were called after that for 3 times!! They still didnt come after the teacher called for the third time and finally,when the fourth time they were called,they came and gather with us...They had to walk in front of the other students...Must be very embarrassing...And the one that walked first were girls!! The boys are such coward!! I dont understand why they said the man are very brave and tough...Thay're just so annoyig and nothing tough about them except their mouth!! Okay,Off topic here....Back to my topic...
After that, the assembly continued like always but my classmates that didnt come and gather together with me and some of my friends got scolded by the!! Padan muka!! Sape suruh turun? The orders were given before and you disobeyed it...your fault...

After 'A Learn A Word A Day Program',its time for out performance,it was our turn. The performance was horrible!!! XDD I didnt memorize the lyric so I just miming the whole thing XP. Ah,we sang the 'Sway' song by...I dont know...whatever... I looked at my other friends and the boys....ERGHHH!!! You dont have to say...Still as the stone figure...The girls were even louder than them...Dont they have a loud voice than the girls? $%^&*!! Nyanyi je la!! Korang igt kitorg x malu ke?!

I stood at the end of the line (since I'm short) so the students can see me!! Wargh!!! So embarrassed!! I felt like I want to hide my face at that time...>.< Hahahaha....We started the performance without any bow and suddenly,we bowed at the end!! How ridiculous is that? And the bow wasnt synchronized either...LOL!!
We're supposed to come down with the end if the first line person lead (I'm in the second line) but she wont move so in the end,we scattered away with embarrassment...Kakakakaka!!

We laughed after we lined up!! So funny!! LOL!! We dont have to do anymore performance like that ever again!! ~Yay~